Original Shadowgate on Wikipedia

Press release translation – Published back in June, 2020 The management of Forever Entertainment S. A. (FE, the Company) announces that a significant agreement has been entered into between FE and Zojoi LLC of the USA.

The purpose of the deal is to create and release Shadowgate 2 on all leading platforms. IP Shadowgate is a classic in the point-and-click adventure game genre. The last release of the game took place in 2014. The release date of the game will be reported in a separate current report.

Shadowgate 2 will be a new game in the Shadwgate universe co-produced in cooperation with TA Publishing SARL, in which Forever Entertainment S.A. owns 49% of shares. Division of roles:

Zojoi – IP owner, consulting.

FE – publisher, co-producer, co-financer.
TA Publishing – co-financing, co-producer.

Shadowgate Remake on Steam For its participation in the project, FE will receive a significant part of the revenue (over 50%) from each game sold on all platforms. The sale of Shadowgate 2 may have a significant impact on the Company’s results in the coming years. Acquiring classic IPs and creating new productions or remakes on their basis is one of the important directions of the Company’s development, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed by the success of Panzer Dragoon: Remake. The company will cover the costs related to the implementation of the above agreement from its own funds.

(Original Press Release in Polish)