Announcement regarding SNK Playmore’s company name change SNK Playmore Corporation is proud to announce the change of its name to “SNK Corporation” from December 1st, 2016. SNK Playmore changed its company logo and slogan on April 25th, 2016 with the goal of marking its return to SNK’s rich gaming history. The official change of the company name to SNK Corporation, which takes effect from December 1st, 2016, furthers this goal by expanding SNK’s brand name worldwide, and enhancing its corporate value. This change of corporation name to “SNK”, and slogan to “The Future Is Now” marks a return to SNK’s glorious gaming history. Through the huge success of many of its game franchises in the past, SNK is still a brand supported by countless fans from around the world to this day. The new corporation name chosen for this turning point, signifies both a return to the origins of SNK, and revival of our pioneer spirit to always offer long-time fans of SNK, as well as newcomers, entertainment of an even higher quality moving forward.