Insight Into the Creation of Root Letter PQube Ltd will soon be releasing the hotly-anticipated √Letter (‘Root Letter’) – the gorgeous Visual Novel from Kadokawa Games hitting PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on October 28th in Europe and in North America on November 8th 2016.

Root Letter follows an investigation into the disappearance of a young girl 15 years in the past. Armed only with a collection of letters from high school – the player must interrogate old school-friends, now adults, about the events of the past.

Working closely with Shimane Prefecture, Kadokawa Games have strived to create a sense of place like no other visual novel before it. Accurately reflecting the real-word town of Matsue in which it is set, Root Letter allows players to experience a hitherto un-seen side of Japanese life and culture in a videogame. A romantic rural setting. A close knit small town. A quiet suburban corner of Japan. Far away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo, Root Letter brings a very different kind of atmosphere for Japanese game fans – and one that’s been masterfully created in painstaking detail. This makes for a perfect setting in which to explore Root Letter’s themes. Producer and Kadokawa Games CEO Yoshimi Yasuda, Director Zin Hasegawa and renowned character designer Minoboshi Taro combine to deliver a Visual Novel that explores human emotion, feelings of nostalgia and the desire to change the past. What if you could change the past? How does the passing of time change us as human beings? These sentiments, and so much more, are touched on in the forthcoming Root Letter. √Letter for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita will be released by PQube in Europe on the 28th of October and in North America on the 8th of November 2016

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