Rez Infinite: Enter Area X

Ever since we offered a glimpse of the new content we’re making for Rez Infinite at the end of our debut trailer, and again as part of my GDC talk and PlayStation.Blog post, people have been asking me: What is Area X?

Finally, today, I can answer. As with everything to do with Rez Infinite, though, I think it’s something you best see, and hear, for yourself. Hopefully, if we’ve done our job right, Area X is something that’s hard to put into words…but let me try: Area X is a new level we’ve added just for Rez Infinite. Area X is an experiment. Area X is Rez, but it’s also not Rez… it’s something new.

Like classic Rez, Area X is a designed to be a focused, replayable experience, that uses simple shooting mechanics as a means to induce “synesthesia,” an effect where perceiving something with one sense triggers another sense – like you can “see sounds,” or “hear colors” (as pioneered by influential Russian artist and art theorist Wassily Kandinsky). But other than that basic foundation, the team and I decided to throw away the rest of the formula and start fresh, both in terms of aesthetics and gameplay, building Area X through experimentation and iteration – try something, keep what worked, throw out what didn’t, try again – much in the same way United Game Artists and I created the original Rez so many years ago. Our goal was to create something that evoked the same excitement as Rez, but at the same time, something that felt unique. Something new. Something special all its own.

Did we succeed? Well, the first indications should be hitting today, as the gaming press we’ve hosted over the last few weeks post their hands-on impressions. From their in-person reactions, we’re optimistic. But, like I mentioned before, as with everything Rez the best method is to see, and hear, for yourself – which is exactly what I hope you’ll do come October 13th with the launch of Rez Infinite.

Tetsuya Mizuguchi – President and CEO, Enhance Games