Paragon New Hero Reveal: Yin We’d like to introduce you to the latest Hero. We call this hybrid melee carry Hero… Yin. You’ll be able to play Yin starting Tuesday, March 14. Get your first look at Yin above. Yin (Growth, Fury) is a carry who wields a combination of her whip and wind magic to quickly dispatch her enemies. Although she came from a life of crime on the streets with Aurora, Yin rose to the rank of First Guardian of her city.

Backlash – Yin cracks her whip, dealing damage in an area in front of her. If enemy projectiles are hit by the whip, they will be reflected back towards the enemy.

Lash Kick – Yin swings her whip, pulling herself to a target, and then jumps off of their head dealing damage.

Windburn – Yin reaches with her whip, increasing the range of her basic attack as well as gaining cleave.

Quelling Gale – Yin surrounds herself in a whirlwind, displacing all enemies within range. For 5 seconds, the whirlwind will slow enemies and enemy projectiles that travel through it.

As always, all Heroes in Paragon are free, so jump in as Yin on Tuesday. If you can’t wait to get your Paragon fix, you don’t have to – Paragon is in Free Open Beta, so you can download and play today. See you on the battlefield!