Paragon New Hero Reveal: Revenant We’d like to introduce you to the latest Hero. We call this ranged ability Carry … Revenant. You’ll be able to play Revenant starting Tuesday, April 25. Get your first look at Revenant below. Revenant (Fury, Corruption) is an unholy melding of malevolent spirit and vicious bounty hunter. An ability Carry, Revenant relies on isolating targets and collecting bounties in order to snowball past the enemy carry.

Hand Cannon – Revenant carries a revolver with 4 rounds, upon consuming these rounds he will automatically reload.

Hellfire Rounds – Allows you to reload your weapon at any time, and passively causes bonus damage on your fourth shot.

Scar – Infuses your target with dark energy, attacking will deal bonus damage to your enemy.

Obliterate – Revenant fires a volley of projectiles which randomly target enemies in front of him.

Reckoning – Revenant transports himself and his target to the Nether Realm, where he and his enemy must duel. While there, only Revenant can see his prey and they can only damage each other. If he succeeds in killing his enemy, he collects their bounty, earning bonus card power.

As always, all Heroes in Paragon are free, so jump in as Revenant on Tuesday, April 25. If you can’t wait to get your Paragon fix, you don’t have to – Paragon is in Free Open Beta, so you can download and play today.