
Type: Acquisition

Habitat: Water Regions
Challenge Level: 20
Combat Weaponry: Freeze Burst
Combat Melee: • Lunging Jaw Bite • Jumping Jaw Bite • Snap Bite • Tail Strike

Special Ability: Resource Processing

Vulnerabilities: • Cryo Sac • Fire Damage

Tactics: Blowing Up Cryo Sac

An acquisition-class machine, the Snapmaw is frequently found basking in or near bodies of water, where it gathers valuable minerals from the sediment. It can move with surprising ferocity when alerted, lashing out with an array of melee attacks that include powerful lunge bites and tail swipes. For ranged attacks, it fires off cryo mortars that freeze the target on impact.


Type: Combat

Habitat: All Terrain – Open Areas
Challenge Level: 27
Combat Weaponry: • Machine Guns • Disc Launchers • Mouth Laser

Combat Melee:

• Bite Attack • Rushing Bite Attack • Charge Attack • Foot Stomp • Tail Slam • Tail Swipe

Special Ability: Radar Scan – to find hidden threats

Vulnerabilities: • Heart Core • Brain Core

Tactics: Remove disc launcher to use against it

The combat-class Thunderjaw is one of the deadliest machines encountered in Horizon Zero Dawn. A formidable beast equipped with cannons, disc launchers and a mouth laser, its powerful ranged attacks will quickly cut down any hunter foolish enough to alert it. Space permitting, it can also unleash with a devastating range of melee attacks such as charges and tail swipes.