Announcing Free Updates for Final Fantasy XV I hope you are all enjoying Final Fantasy XV! It’s been exciting to see players around the world take to this new style of Final Fantasy. Thanks to your support, we shipped five million units worldwide on our release day! We are truly grateful to all of you who picked up a copy. As I’ve said before, release day is not the end for Final Fantasy XV, and I would like to share some of the things we have in store. The great reception we have received has actually allowed us to expand our plans even further. We want you to enjoy Final Fantasy XV for a long time to come. We have been listening to your ideas on how to make the game experience even better, and so in addition to the previously announced content, we’ll be providing free updates to the game throughout the coming year.

Our early plans are to enrich certain aspects of the game, adding gameplay enhancements for Chapter 13, buffing ring magic, etc. We’ll have the specifics of what and when for you at a later date.

After that, we’re hoping to delve deeper into the story, adding scenes that will give you new insight into character motivations, such as why Ravus walked the path he did. We will need a little time with these, as they’ll need to be localized and voiced in other languages, but we’ll let you know the details once everything is set.

For the long term, we are looking at making certain key characters playable, and even considering the possibility of customizable avatars, in addition to other features over time.

Other features we have in mind include letting you carry over stats from a previous playthrough, and adding items that introduce new playstyles, such as low-level runs and god mode. We’re also examining readability tweaks – increasing font size – for certain languages. On top of that, we’re looking at content you can enjoy in real-time, including new bosses with exclusive rewards and achievements, and limited-time hunts.

In addition to these free updates, we’re also working on the previously announced downloadable content. This includes: • FFXV Holiday Pack (tentative name) • FFXV Booster Pack (tentative name) • FFXV Episode Gladiolus (tentative name) • FFXV Episode Ignis (tentative name) • FFXV Episode Prompto (tentative name) • FFXV Expansion Pack: Comrades (tentative name) Speaking on behalf of the development team, I hope all of you, all around the world, continue to enjoy Final Fantasy XV and the Final Fantasy series.

Hajime Tabata – Director, Final Fantasy XV