
Bloodstained Development Update – The Village by the Castle

Koji Igarashi: Last update we shared how we build the environment, so for this update, we would like to introduce you to a new stage based on that method. Previously, we shared the ship and the castle entrance. I would like to introduce you to the village this time.

As we mentioned at the beginning of our Kickstarter campaign, Bloodstained takes place in a castle! So now you’re probably thinking, “What’s this, a village?” I thought so, too, but yes: We have a village. In the narrative, we’re still headed to the island where the castle emerged. There’s a village nearby that we’ll have to pass through on our way to the castle entrance. As you can tell from the video, the village is red, which has nothing to do with Christmas! During the eruption of the Laki volcanic fissure in 1783 and 1784, “the afternoon sky was dark as night and red as blood,” according to a contemporary saying from Hampshire, England. So we tried to express that in the afternoon scene you see here. Building your visuals from a piece of historical data makes the world more realistic. (The internet is so useful!) The village is also under the demons’ attack, so of course there will be enemies here. We are also planning to put a shop here to support the player, and you’ll find Johannes, who we introduced previously, here too. In addition to Johannes…Oh, we can’t quite tell you yet, but you’ll hear more about them in our later updates. Please look forward to it.

Kickstarter Update