Beyond a Steel Sky – Release Update

From the very outset, our vision has been to make Beyond a Steel Sky our most ambitious adventure to date. We re-invented conceptual innovations going back to our earliest adventures.

We’re pleased to say this vision is very close to being realised, but – as the eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed – the original release date was penciled in as late 2019. Owing to a need to extend the development period, we can now confirm the launch of Beyond a Steel Sky will come a few months later in 2020. This extra time is being used to ensure that we realise our vision: Integrating conceptual innovations like Virtual Theatre and system hacking into adventure gameplay; Innovating with graphics technology in ToonToy; Working closely with Dave Gibbons to create a beautiful visual style.
As a reminder, Beyond a Steel Sky will still be coming to Apple Arcade, PC, and console. You can wishlist the game on the Beyond a Steel Sky Steam store page – the game will be available through other stores, and we will update you closer to release. We’ll confirm a release date early next year – I’m sure you’ll all appreciate, we don’t want to give a more precise date until we are absolutely confident of achieving it. 🙂

In the interim, if you want to keep up with all updates and news, you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and you can also join our Discord Channel – a fantastic space to come and share your excitement for Beyond a Steel Sky, Broken Sword, or any of our other games!

For now we truly appreciate your patience, and we’re looking forward to sharing more and more Beyond a Steel Sky goodness throughout Christmas and the New Year.

As always; Be Vigilant!