Adam Boyes Appointed Chief Executive Officer of Iron Galaxy Studio

Today, video game developer Iron Galaxy Studios announced that former Sony executive Adam Boyes has joined the company as Chief Executive Officer. Additionally, Iron Galaxy veteran Chelsea Blasko, Director of Product Development, has been named Chief Product Officer.

Over the last several years, Boyes has cultivated deep relationships with many of the most influential publishers and developers in the games industry. In his new role, Boyes will leverage his publisher relationships to explore new opportunities for Iron Galaxy and maximize the studio’s revenue potential. Iron Galaxy Founder, Dave Lang, will work closely with Boyes, overseeing the Company’s strategic vision and direction and business development. Blasko will manage production and operations across the organization, scaling the operation as Boyes delivers new opportunities and growth. “I am extremely excited to have Adam and Chelsea join the leadership team at Iron Galaxy,” said Dave Lang. “Adam is a seasoned professional who can expand and evolve the publishing arm of our business, while Chelsea, who has been with us since inception, can manage and drive the teams forward as we execute against a grander vision. With Adam in place, Chelsea and I can focus on cultivating talent, managing our teams and delivering great product.” Boyes joins Iron Galaxy Studios from Sony Interactive Entertainment America where he was VP of Third Party Relations & Developer Technology Group. He led his team to record revenue and profitability growth consistently in each of his five years in this position. Previously, Boyes held positions at Midway Games and Capcom. “I’ve always had a passion for game development and I’m extremely excited to be getting closer to it with my move to Iron Galaxy,” said Boyes. “I’m honored to be working with such a talented team and look forward to creating opportunities and crafting deals that deliver their products to a wider audience.”

Adam will relocate to Chicago and assume his new role on August 8, 2016.