Fear Effect: Sedna on Kickstarter

Console port & gameplay video! 3 weeks ago this campaign started. Today, we are almost 1,800 backers and 70% funded, we can be very confident for the end of this awesome journey with you. As you’ve seen during the campaign so far, your feedback is very important to us, you’re as much fans as we are of Fear Effect, and we really want you to be involved in the game development. Over the past few weeks, we had dozens of messages requesting a console port for Sedna. It was a difficult decision for us, because developing on PS4 or Xbox One requires a lot of work, and significant financial investment too. It was a tough job, and we had to make choices, but today we can officially announce that we will be porting the game on PS4 and Xbox One! We are very excited to see Fear Effect on consoles. You may wonder why we didn’t plan this at the beginning of the campaign? The reason is simple, we only could secure the required funds recently, and it’s very important for us to commit to doing things we have the capacity to do. So now, as soon as the project is funded, we will work on versions of the game available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One. As a consequence, we changed the stretch goals to remove the console port. We also added a reward tier, for the console version (€20). For all higher rewards (starting at €35), you can choose your version.

Gameplay video

We are very proud to show you an extended gameplay video. We worked hard on this video, captured from our current working copy. We hope that you’ll understand even better how the game is working, and how respectful to the franchise it is, with its puzzles, deathscenes, nervous fights and cutscenes. But don’t forget it’s an early excerpt, and when you’ll play the final version, in one year, every aspect of the game will be improved. Please, remember, it’s a prototype, and we are waiting for your feedback, now and during the development process to improve the game! You will certainly notice that this is PC gameplay. With a controller, you will control one character at a time, the others will follow you, and you will be able to switch from one character to the other with a simple hit on a button. With this great news, we hope that our community will grow even bigger – so spread the word, support us, and let’s make an unforgettable game all together!

Kickstarter Update