Trackmania will come out on July 1st As you may know, the biggest international Trackmania competition, the Trackmania ZrT Cup already was postponed due to COVID-19. Also, our teams have been adapting to working from home, and even though we already are back to a good level of efficiency we need some time to make up for the transition. As a result, we have decided to release the new Trackmania title on July 1st instead of May 5th. We know this is disappointing for those who were looking forward to getting their hands on Trackmania in May, but we believe this is the best choice for our players and our team, especially given the current circumstances. We still wanted to share with you more of our work, so here is another glimpse into the game with a new Trackmania video! We are still motivated and working hard to perfect our creation tools, racing experience and in-game competitions. We can’t wait to create and race with you in July!

The Ubisoft Nadeo team