Guerrila Cambridge to close Sony is closing the Cambridge branch of Guerrilla Games, has learned. All employees will be laid off. Sony has confirmed the impending shutdown to us, saying that the compulsory redundancies are “regrettable”. The decision to close the studio comes from a review of all current PlayStation projects and resources, with the platform holder concluding that “in order to deliver on our strategic objectives, it is necessary to make some changes to the European studios structure”. Guerrilla Games Amsterdam, developer of Horizon: Zero Dawn and the Killzone series, will not be affected. PlayStation has pledged to “where possible… try to reallocate people onto other projects” and assist staff by speaking to local developers about recruitment prospects. Fortunately, Cambridge is something of a hotbed of UK deveopers, with the likes of Frontier, Ninja Theory, Jagex and more based nearby. The statement adds: “Whilst we accept that this decision will mean that we risk losing high calibre staff, by focusing on other Studios with exciting new projects in development, (including continued work on PlayStation VR), we believe we will be in a stronger position going forward and able to offer the best possible content of the highest quality to our players. “This decision should not take anything away from the incredible games and services that Guerrilla Cambridge has delivered.” The studio, previously known as SCEE Cambridge Studio, has been running for 19 years and most recently produced PlayStation VR launch title and multiplayer virtual reality game RIGS: Mechanized Combat League. Its past hits have included the MediEvil franchise, Primal, Ghosthunter and PS Vita shooter Killzone Mercenary. The team based there was not only known for its development and creativity but also its work with local universities to help find new talent for the games industry. Sony has confirmed to that no other studios have been affected.