Harvest Moon: One World Release Date Hello farmers! We know you’ve been looking forward to more news on our upcoming Harvest Moon title, and we’re pleased to finally show off the first screenshots today. As you may already know, in Harvest Moon: One World, the art of farming and many different kinds of crops have been lost! But how did that happen, anyway? Before the Harvest Goddess disappeared from the world, she imbued tiny Harvest Wisps with the knowledge of various seeds, thus ensuring the various fruits and vegetables of the world would not be lost. Using the power given to these Harvest Wisps, you’ll unlock various seeds as you progress through the game! But the Harvest Wisps can be tricky to find, as they all appear at different times and places. You’ll need to use your noggin to make sure you seek out as many of them as you can! Whether you’re going to play as a boy or a girl, you’ll have plenty of marriageable candidates to consider, with five eligible bachelorettes and five eligible bachelors for each character.

We’ll be revealing all ten marriageable candidates, as well as numerous new animals you can care for, prior to Harvest Moon: One World’s launching for PS4 and Switch on March 2nd, 2021 in North America & South America.Harvest Moon: One World will arrive on Nintendo Switch in Europe via Rising Star Games, distributed by Nintendo of Europe on 5 March 2021. We know this is a little later than we’d originally forecast — the Covid-19 pandemic has impacted everyone in our world in many ways, and the video game industry has seen many of their standard practices shaken up by the “new normal.”

Natsume will continue to strive to make the family-friendly games our fans have known us for, and we’re excited to introduce you to Harvest Moon: One World when it launches next year. In the meantime, we’ll be sure to keep you updated on both One World and our upcoming Natsume Indie titles! community.natsume.com