Lost in Random – Get ready to roll, Your journey begins 2021.

Gothenburg based studio Zoink’s Lost in Random is a gothic fairytale action-adventure, with a very modern message. As another new IP set in a twisted dystopia where uncertainty and chaos are feared, the game follows Even, a courageous young girl, and her living dice companion, Dicey. Together, the two embark on a perilous journey where they must learn to embrace the unknown and play the hand they’ve been dealt, in a bid to break the curse of Random. Players can play Lost in Random in 2021 when the game releases on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Origin and Steam.

“Everyone can relate to feeling helpless about juggling all the randomness and chaos that occurs in their life. With Lost in Random, we hope to transport our players to an alternate world where they can find power in that randomness.” – Klaus Lyngeled, CEO & Game Director of Zoink