CCP Games Developing Highly Anticipated New Games Exclusively with Epic Games’ Unreal Engine 4

CCP games, the company behind the deep and uniquely player-driven spaceship MMO game EVE Online, has confirmed that Unreal Engine 4 is the exclusive development tool for all of CCP Games’ currently unannounced projects. CCP’s commitment to Unreal stems from the engine’s stability, quick prototyping and the solid cross-platform support for both established and new hardware.

CCP’s development teams globally are taking advantage of the powerful and easy-to-use functionality of UE4, from fluid integration of third-party systems with plug-ins and modules to improved networking and cross-platform support. CCP’s game developers have jumped on board the exclusive use of UE4, specifically its Unreal Editor that leads the way in terms of lighting and rendering solutions, world composition, landscape sculpting and Blueprint prototyping. “Although CCP Games has used versions of Unreal Engine for more than 10 years on various projects, Unreal Engine 4.20 has massive improvements,” said Bing Xi, Development Director at CCP Shanghai. “UE4’s latest enhancements, like the new ProxyLOD mesh reduction tool and the new Niagara VFX editor are among the many features that make game development a more efficient process.” Using Unreal Engine 4 in the development of all their upcoming new games allows CCP‘s studios to plan for the future by cultivating a shared in-house knowledge of the engine. When coupled with the engine‘s ability to ease the transition of games to different platforms, UE4 enables CCP to stay platform-relevant earlier and for longer. “Working with Epic Games using their engine source code, which is open to all Unreal developers, is great for both AAA and indie studios alike, thanks to the huge amount of support options available,” said James Dobrowski, Executive Producer on the unannounced action-MMO being created at CCP London. “UE4‘s Blueprints system allows us to prototype and iterate quickly, and its world-class AAA pipelines allow us to focus on crafting great gameplay and stunningly beautiful worlds.” CCP Games is one of many major players in the industry whose development teams trust Epic Games’ UE4, from traditional gaming companies including Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony, to newer technology and experience makers, such as Magic Leap and Oculus. “Considering that Epic uses its own engine to develop games like Fortnite is a great example of the trust they have in their own product,” said Snorri Árnason, Project Nova‘s Game Director at CCP Reykjavik. “The product’s push for cinematic rendering quality is something that we will aim to implement into our future projects.”

Stay tuned for new games from CCP developed exclusively using UE4. More info on CCP‘s announcements can be found via