Cosmic Star Heroine is coming out on April 11! We are pleased to announce that Cosmic Star Heroine will come out on April 11th for Playstation 4 and PC! The official price is $14.99 USD. The PS4 version of the game will be cross-buy with Vita. The Vita version will not be coming out on April 11th, but will be released soon after. It was a tough decision to make, but we felt the Vita version needed some extra time to polish up and we didn’t want to delay the other releases further.

The PC version is currently available for pre-purchase on the Humble Store which will give you a Steam copy plus a DRM-free copy. The game will also be available for purchase directly on Steam once it releases.

We will continue to release portions of the game to Steam beta testers in segments as we make final preparations for release. If you are in the beta, please inform us of any bugs you discover to help us ensure a smooth launch.

We’re super excited to finally be releasing Cosmic Star Heroine and hope everyone enjoys the finished game! This is by far the biggest, most sophisticated game we’ve ever released so we hope it meets the high expectations many of you have for it. Thanks again to all the people who have supported us in our Kickstarter, through feedback, and through kind words. We’re almost there!