Get the party started with the latest Hero to join Paragon: Narbash!

Epic Games has unleashed, Narbash, the latest Hero for its free-to-play PC and PlayStation 4 MOBA, Paragon! Get acquainted with Narbash with this reveal video and see his abilities in action here.

Narbash is a beast who bangs on the drum all day, a Support Caster who specializes in crowd control and buffing his team as he charges into the fight. His Thunk ability allows him to lock down a singular target with a stun. His March ability provides him with a movement speed aura, which can be devastating when combined with the Health Regeneration aura provided by his Song of My People ability. Narbash causes a ruckus with his ultimate Crash Bang Boom, slowing enemies in an AoE, then finishing his performance with a knockup.

Paragon is now free to play in open beta on PC and PlayStation 4, and Heroes are always free, and players can jump in and play as Narbash right now.